• Pre-Campaign Planning Guide the organization with a customized plan that is tailored to a specific campaign; assess the strengths and gaps of the entire organization including potential donors, the board and staff; and provide goals, objectives, timelines, budgets, staffing needs, and specific action steps for each step of a campaign.

  • Feasibility Studies Develop and implement feasibility studies to address specific factors to determine the likelihood of the campaign’s success. Factors such as the validity of the need, the strength of the Case for Support, the overall image and awareness of the organization, donors’ giving potential, the availability of volunteer leadership, and/or the strength of internal resources.  Also assess other factors in the immediate community, region and world relevant to the campaign.



  • Campaign Readiness AssessmentsReview an organization’s entire development program to determine the capacity to execute a capital campaign, recommend specific campaign readiness steps in advance of planning the campaign, and provide a plan with strategies and step-by-step guidelines.

  • Mid-Campaign Assessments  – Provide expertise to invigorate a stalled-out campaign and get it back on track; and assess the situation to create corrective action and implementation strategies.

  • Post-Campaign AssessmentsRecommend a “debrief” at the conclusion of a campaign when energy is still running high and an organization is celebrating its success. Review the areas of the campaign that with different planning and execution might have yielded even greater success; and provide planning tools that prepare an organization and its next wave of leaders for the future.


  • Campaign Plan and ProcessCreate a comprehensive campaign plan, develop the structure based on strategy and provide direction for all aspects of the campaign including benchmarks to measure progress; manage the campaign process, including volunteer and staff solicitation training; and review gift potential analyses.

  • Case Statements and Communication NeedsCraft targeted messaging to clearly and passionately tell donors, supporters and friends why they should consider contributing to an organization’s mission; develop an effective printed and/or digital case statement; and develop and implement an outreach plan.